It’s Time We Had A Spokesperson For Good Fathers: Dwyane Wade Team Motion aka Ceo Jetson’s Staff Quote of the Day “if Dwade dont our Boss Mr.CeoJetson Will”


I am Dwayne Wade. No I don’t play basketball, I’m not a NBA All Star, and I don’t live in Miami, but I am a father. I am a man trying to be the best father in the world to my children just like Dwayne Wade.

Last week Dwayne Wade released 300 pages of documents citing the drama he is going through with his ex wife and baby mother Siohvaughn. Dwayne broke his silence to address accusations about STDs, abuse, and much more, which all turned out to be lies. He states his case, and all he wants to be is be a good father, but it seems that he is not being given the opportunity due to his baby mother. Welcome to my life.

There are great fathers all over the world who are trying to be there for their kids, but bad situations turn worse, and the children become the last piece of the game to be played. When a man doesn’t step up to the plate, the court system makes them pay to support their child. Yet, one thing the court system doesn’t do, is make sure the man is apart of the child’s life. Sure they assign visitation, but they don’t enforce visitation like they enforce the payment of funds. Don’t pay your child support and a man will be behind bars. Don’t go pick up your child, and a man will be in the clubs, the pool hall or where ever else he pleases and the woman is forced to be a father to a young man. American justice.

The court system is so bad that many men have given up on trying to get help for their situations. I remember when my child was first born, I was going through a small bit of drama and I filed a case with the court system, I left feeling like I had been penalized. Before the court case I filed, I saw my child everyday. After the court case I saw my child every OTHER weekend. I was so upset that it only caused more tension between the mother of my child and myself. I tried again a few years later and I still didn’t get the result I wanted. It was then that I realized that all I was to the court system was just a bank.

Welcome to the Bank of Xilla. It took a lot of maturing, and a great baby mother to finally work things out without the court system and we now have an agreement we should have had 8 years ago. I am blessed. Many men are not as fortunate.

My best friend might have the worst baby mother in the world. He has his child the majority of the time. His child’s mother is a no good groupie type chick, who has 5 other kids with 3 other men. He filed for custody, just like Dwayne Wade did, but since he doesn’t have Dwayne Wade money, he was told to pay even more money in child support and his visitation was cut. He’s now the sole income for his baby mother and her children. This caused him to somewhat loose his mind.

My personal examples are much worst, but I refuse to spread the business of my friends and personal life, so I’ll use Dwayne Wade’s case as an example. D-Wade wanted to bring his sons to All Star Weekend…Every man and woman here can vouch for how much men love basketball; so I think it’s safe to say that going to All Star Weekend would be a young boy’s dreams. Siohvaughn decided she wasn’t about to let D-Wade see his children, for whatever reason, so she decided to throw the boy’s a birthday party…10 days after the boy’s birthday. She also refused to turn the boys over for Father’s day the most important holiday for a man.

While most women are the best mothers in the world and will always put their children first, there are some out there that give all women a bad name. They are spiteful and vengeful. Wade’s ex wife didn’t stop there, she spread lies about contracting an STD from him, tales of abuse and numerous other things. Dwayne Wade, not wanting his kids to be teased and terrorized by other school children because of things that may be said in the media has kept quiet until releasing the documents and hasn’t said a word since. Now that is a good father. A man who only has his best interests in the interest of the children, that’s all. He isn’t out to embarrass anyone, he isn’t trying to spread lies about anyone. All he would like to do is to be a father to his children and in today’s world of non-existent fathers and single mothers who work harder than a slave in a cotton field… Isn’t that all we can ask for.

I hope once Dwayne Wade has settled his custody and divorce case that he will step up and be the face for good fathers all over the world. It’s time we had a spokesperson and I nominate D-Wade. Oh yeah D-Wade come to the Knicks next season too!