5 Reasons Why Obama Deserved A Second-Term Inauguration…..ThisismotionTV


After the comments made on a previous post reporting President Obama’s second-term inauguration, it appeared that some have the “same s***, different day” attitude.

Consequently, we are providing five reasons for why the commander-in-chief was granted an over the top extravaganza another time around.

1. To show that having an African American president wasn’t just a hoax:

When Obama was selected to run this country four years ago it was during a time of desperation. Although it was history in the making, America didn’t want more of the same from Senator McCain. Being re-elected was confirmation that he is more than capable of taking on this position of leadership. The MLK holiday weekend was the perfect time to recognize it.

2. To unify America:

Barack came in at a time of chaos. The United States was divided. Four years ago we were in the middle of two wars. This weekend was to glorify such triumphs like bringing the troops home from Iraq, finally getting Osama Bin Laden, and diversifying the Supreme Court.

3. To inform us on the legacy he wants his administration to leave behind:

Among the achievements listed above, Obama wants to accomplish more. In his inauguration address he mentioned gay rights, immigration, climate change, and gun control. It was an opportunity to summarize what he wants America to look like in the next four years.

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4. For the field staffers to have some pleasure after all the busy work:

These inauguration ceremonies were also to honor all the civilians who canvassed and knocked from door to door during the campaign. This is their proof that all their hard work eventually paid off.

5. Finally, how about this being his last chance to see tons of supporters gathered together to celebrate his second-term in office.

When he left the West Front of the U.S. Capitol after delivering his second inaugural address he took a moment to look back and said:

“I want to take a look one more time. I’ll never see this again.”

Watch the video below to relive this sentimental moment with him.

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