Rick Ross (@rickyrozay) Covers Rolling Stone….ThisismotionTV


Rick Ross makes his debut by gracing the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. In the interview he tocuhes on the subject about him being an corrections officer. This issue of Rolling Stone hits newsstands August 17th.

For the first time, Ross talks about his past life as a corrections officer – an opportunity, he says, to “wash my hands” after his best friend was sentenced to 10 years for trafficking cocaine and heroin: “This was my best friend, who I ate peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches with, and pork and beans with, my buddy, my partner, my number-one dude. Suddenly I’m talking to him over federal phone calls. Hearing the way it was building, I knew I couldn’t take nothing for granted,” says Ross. “My homey’s father was a huge influence on my life, too . . . He was the one who was like, ‘Yo, go get a job somewhere, man. Go be a fireman. Or go be a fucking corrections officer. Just go sit down somewhere.

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